Daisily Doily mini-CAL (part 3) - Inas Craft

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Daisily Doily mini-CAL (part 3)

(this post firstly published in my personal blog)

If you haven't read about this mini CAL, you can read all information about it here (click)
This is day 3 for #DaisilyDoily mini-CAL (round 5, 6, & 7). 
Hope you enjoy it 🌼

Pattern :

Dasily Doily
Designed by Inas Fadil Basymeleh
Chart by Masako Kawahara

Rnd 5 : {attach color A with a slst in any ch-2 sp after first 3-dc-cluster of a group of 3 dc-cluster} ch 1, 3 sc in same place, FPsc around next cluster st, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp, sk in next cluster st, dc + ch 2 + dc in next ch-2 st, sk next cluster st, (3 sc in next ch-2 sp, FPsc around next cluster st, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp, sk next cluster st, dc + ch 2 + dc in next ch-2 sp, sk next cluster st) 11 times, slst in first sc. [12 FPsc, 72 sc, 24 dc, 12 ch-2 sp] 
rnd 5

Rnd 6 : {same color} slst in next 3 st (now you're on FPsc) ch 1, sc in same place, ch 1, sk next 4 st, (tr+ch1) 6 times in next ch-2 sp, sk next 4 st, (sc in next FPsc, ch 1, sk next 4 st, (tr + ch 1) 6 times in next ch-2 sp, sk next 4 st) 11 times, slst in first sc. (12 sc, 72 tr, 84 ch] 

rnd 6

Rnd 7 : ch 6 (count as a tr and ch 2) tr in same place, ch 3, sk next 6 st, sc + ch 2 + sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, sk next 6 st, (tr + ch 2 + tr in next sc, ch 3, sk next 6 st, sc + ch 2 + sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3, sk next 6 st) 11 times, slst in 4 th ch of initial 6 ch. [24 tr, 24 sc, 24 ch-2 sp, 24 ch-3 sp] 

rnd 7

If you are on Instagram, don't forget to use hastag #DaisilyDoily to be featured and feel free to tag me @inas.craft
I'm happy to see all your blooming daisy 🌼
You can also add this project to Ravelry queue (click link to ravelry)
See you tomorrow for round 8 & 9!

